Pastor Booker’s Appeal to the 5th Episcopal District

I express my deepest gratitude to Bishop Clement W. Fugh, for the privilege of addressing the 5th Episcopal District Mid-Year Conference to announce my intention to offer myself for Episcopal Service in 2024. 


Brothers and Sisters, this is an important moment in history in our country and worldwide. The AME Church has and will continue to be a significant institution in the lives of God’s people. We stand on the precipice of change, with an opportunity to touch and transform lives within and beyond our Zion.


Through prayer and consultation, I come to you with the highest level of respect to speak to your hearts and minds, your love of our Zion, your vast and diverse knowledge and experience, and your commitment to African Methodism.  I offer my experience, commitment, and share my vision as one who joins you in that same fervor and hope for our denomination.  


I have preached under the banner of African Methodism for 40 years. For almost a decade, I have been blessed to serve the people of the First AME Church established west of the Mississippi River – The Cathedral of St. Paul AME Church in St. Louis, Missouri – The Mother Church of the 5th Episcopal District. As Servant Pastor and committed congregation, we have walked together as a body visibly living our legacy through discipleship, evangelism, stewardship, and community service, while proudly preserving our brand for this present age, demonstrating our commitment to both church and community by completely renovating our church and anchoring its place through significant, strategic land acquisition, and forging a future that centers and celebrates African Methodism at its best. 


The lessons I have learned from the cumulative experiences over these 40 years are valuable, particularly the opportunities to draw on the best of who we are as The AME Church and develop strategies that fortify and position us to move forward. In our combined experience as a local church and as a team that has come together from across our Episcopal District and Connection, we recognize the potential to set a new and exciting standard for our future. 


We are a connectional church prepared to embrace our legacy, poised to enhance our present, and positioned to engage our future! We are ready to bring forth our best to become better and BIGGER!


These are the three pillars I propose to build upon as an Episcopal Servant of our beloved Zion: 

1. Embrace our Legacy: We stand on the shoulders of our Fathers and Mothers who forged ahead by their living sacrifices without compromise to create a future. We have not attempted to erase nor eradicate bridges that have brought us to where we are but continue to celebrate our legacy, the best of the African Methodist Episcopal Church brand, a church of Liberation and Reconciliation. A Church that stands upon the premises: God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Humanity, our Family. A church with a legacy relevant for this present age. To preserve our legacy, for our collective sustainability, we mustbring forth our collective best to reinvigorate, fortify, empower:

a. Historic Institutions

b. Historic Infrastructure

c. Historic Mission


2. Enhance our Present: The Church of Allen has not failed to be a church to serve our calling to fulfill the present age. We have not compromised the gospel to meet the needs of all people. Instead, through the best of our legacy, we have networkedthrough a powerful connection to apply the social gospel of Jesus Christ to meet people’s needs wherever and whatever they are: socially, economically, environmentally, and politically. Therefore, we must enhance, build upon, and upgrade ministries to improve our ability to:

a. Affirm all: Seniors, adults, young adults, and youth.

b. Strengthen the Connection

c. Assure Technological Support

d. Foster Pastoral Care

e. Foster Congregational Support


3. Engage our Future: We have not flinched from confronting the next-us, the next generation. We have to forge a New Theology for a New Reality, merging our strengths with new trends and embracing innovation to make better a people of God. Because we know that God is a loving God, he does not turn people down nor frown because of their choices. God is a loving God who cares for creation. Therefore, we should engage our community for a brighter future amid paradigm shifts to be a part of the fellowship of God no matter who, where, or what; we know God loves us all. To guarantee our future, we must:

a. Develop a Support System for Youth and Young Adult

b. Affirmation Everybody is somebody

c. Reconciliation despite our differences

d. Transformation from Revelation to Relevancy


In bringing together our best, I believe our future and the plans God has for us as a connectional church are brighter and B.I.G.G.E.R. than we can imagine. Fifth District, I invite you to “Think B.I.G.G.E.R. with Booker, stand with me as we Believe In God Granting Every Request.


I ask you to embark on this journey with me as we bring our best – the best of who we are as servants of Christ, as AMEs, as Churches, as a District, and as a Connection - and make a bigger and more significant impact on the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 


God bless you, 5th District. Remember, “Booker Has Your Back.” For 14 years, I have served not in front of you, in most cases not beside you, but behind you, encouraging you, pushing you, praising you, commending you, lifting you, aiding you, helpingyou, being there for you, praying for you. “Because Booker Got Your Back.”

“Join Me, Help Me, and Think Bigger with Booker for The Episcopacy”


Stay tuned, stay connected, as we share more details in the coming months.