Embrace our


  • Historic Institutions

  • Historic Infrastructure

  • Historic Mission

Enhance our


  • Affirm all Seniors, adults, young adults, and youth.

  • Strengthen the Connection

  • Assure Technological Support

  • Foster Pastoral Care

  • Foster Congregational Support

Engage our


  • Develop a Support System for Youth and Young Adult

  • Affirmation Everybody is Somebody

  • Reconciliation despite our differences

  • Transformation for Revelation and Relevancy


"Ministry is my life, my life is my ministry, God called me, and God can depend on me!"

— Pastor Booker's Ministry Motto

Pastor Booker has a 20/20 Vision entitled "Networking to meet the needs of ALL people through Jesus Christ our Lord."

(Matthew 28:19-20 Luke 4:18-19)